💡 update your progress regularly. I will come and check your progress.
MadMapper File https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rdsdzt7k3cknp41zednln/Dev.mad?rlkey=b4yqcyn6yhxv7jd62fti8g2mz&dl=0 From binna
Focal Points
- social/cultural
- Aesthetic
- Technology/Tools: Unity/projection mapping: physical structure
Time Line & Documentation
Week 1 & 2: Improvement - bring your progress to Friday class
- [x] Concept statement refinement and identify intended interaction: elaborate and articulate what your storytelling/autobiographical experience evoke certain emotions. this will significantly will help you identify what sensory communication/interactions (visual, spatial design, texture design, color planning including lightings) object display intentionally
- [x] Storytelling according to well elaborated your concept statement
- [x] Keywords: what are your projects key words?
- use adj to redefine your project’s direction: e.g. self-exploration, autobiographical experience etc.
- Unity: visual and spatial
Unity: 3 scenes - what are the purpose of each scene?
Not mere interaction in the Scene: walk through - collider and ontrigger/ audio and visual but purpose and intentions of all the sensory experiences
- each scene: specific function of storytelling
- Scene1: onboarding and usher audience: elaborate emotions and experience
- Book object: what this book represent? color, texture, is this book open or close?
- Pictures: can be different size
- Video: Aftereffects and video transition effect that conveys emotions
- Picture Transparency animation
- With coding: Image and canvas disappear
- Animation timeline
- Scene2: Main concept experience
- elaborate your story: vocabularies > identify this scene’s ambient and vibe
- take audience to the common ground/shared experiences
- Pixelated memories: this is one of tools you induce certain emotions you intentionally created. yet, does its job as you expected? how you can improve?
- Lighting issue: softer
- Scene3: Spatial