Project Description

name attendance material update spreadsheet update: Installation elements Prototype Development
Jaiden Y Dimension Y wall installation Test Y Good
Web, plinth
Jiazhen Y dimension Y Y Great
Pure Data, Camera update, installation setup
Flora Zoom Dimension Y Y ERC reserve a Projector Good
Divija E > Friday
ryan Y Dimension 20 mins Music prototype & development,
enk Y Dimension Y Y Prototype
Jack N


Name Attendance Material & Dimension Update spreadsheet update: Installation elements Prototype Development
Own Chen room check 9:00 y N Prototype, Sketch
Unity Concept
Malik Jones room check 9:20 Y Y ERC request: Tridpot for projector Check out speaker size
Rishikaa Modi 9:40 Y zoom Y Great!
Dev Srivastava 10:00 N Absent
Jesse Wang room check 1030 Y bring updated Concept statement and game mechanic in game boy and VR ERC 2 projectors Wednesday
while a person on VisionPro, other spectators watch the experience on projection.