Learning Objectives

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Unity Physics 1

Exercise 1 Rube Goldberg Machine

What is Rube Goldberg Machine?

A funny and artsy way make a bunch of stuff in Unity. It is overly complicated. Yet, that is the beauty of creating Rube Goldberg Machine. Be creative!

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Purpose of Exercise

is to get familiar with Unity interface and environment, understanding components, specifically Rigidbody and Collider components.

Design the Architecture and Space Layout of Rube Goldberg Machine:

Create a layout that a ball travels, hit, jumps, or drops using physics. Think about movement of the ball, objects that are crashed by it and movement paths.

Sample Videos




<aside> ✏️ ASSIGNMENT: Brainstorming and Idea Sketch DUE: 2/7

On your idea sketch, I expect you to clearly delineate and specify:

Upload your assigned sketch to Assignment: Exercise folder in Google Drive.