
Class and Learning Communication


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Unity (soon updated)


Light Trigger

Trigger Light On and Off

Test Video

Screen Recording 2024-02-29 at 5.22.10 PM.mov


  1. Create or Select Your Light Object you wish to control

  2. Create a Trigger Zone: 2 ways

    1. Add Collider on Lighting object

      • you can directly add a Collider component to the lighting.
      • Check Is Triggerproperty to true.
    2. Add Collider to an Empty Game Object

      You can create a trigger zone by adding a Collider to an Empty GameObject and checking the "Is Trigger" option in the Collider component.

      I used an empty gameobject and add Box Collider and created a trigger zone.

  3. Create and Attach the Script

  4. Assign the Light Object:

    Screen Shot 2024-02-29 at 6.14.28 PM.png

  5. Tag the Player

  6. Test

Light Trigger On Once

Test Video

Screen Recording 2024-02-29 at 5.11.54 PM.mov