
I am creating an scuptural piece that figuratively encompasses all the different environments within my world, and displays them out for people to see. The center piece of the sculpture is going to be a tree. The tree is going to be a Frankstein tree in the aspect that it is it will have different parts of other plant matter incorporated inside. The Frankstein/Amalgamated approach of creating the base is another way to symbolize the collision between the environments. Simulations of various environments (Desert, Flooded City, Overgrown city) will be shown each with creatures and objects that inhabit the world as if it was in the present.

V2: For my Core Environment final i am creating a sculptural installation that uses projection mapping, unity environment design, sound design, and physical ornamentation to show off the world I created during the first weeks of the class.

The world is a dystopian future landscape that was heavily affected by the nature, with some cities having been flooded completely, some cities being submerged in sand, and others with overgrowth covering cityscapes and also infecting the inhabitants. This environment that i created is just a exaggerated version of what could be a future if we continue on the route of harming our environment and our home that we share not just solely inhabit.

The sculpture is a tree created from found sticks and leaves bonded together. There are some sticks spiraled around the base while others shoot out the sides. The tree is supposed to resemble Yggdrasil (the world tree - in Norse mythology) which was the pillar for all the worlds, which is the same feeling I want to evoke with my tree. There will be foamboard cutouts to be used as screens so projected video of the 3D environment simulations can be played. I also added 3D printed figures to give another depth of immersion by showing creatures and objects that are present in the world digitally but also in a physical sense. my tree will have dead plants in itself which is suppose to represent the decaying of the world due to human intervention, and how far we pushed the planet

The feelings I want to have the audience feel is a sense of immersion, feeling like you are inside the world, but also the feeling of fear. Fear of what the world can become, and how everything can be fine and dandy in the present, but with enough natural intervention our world can be flipped 180.

Key Message

The main problem I am addressing through my project is environmental awareness, while also trying to showcase the many technological techniques utilized in my Lab and Studio classes.



3D simulations
