Course Description

📜 Syllabus

Assignment Policy

📂 Class Google Folder

Class Zoom Link


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 6

Week 7: UX/UI Design & Workshop

Week 9 UX/UI Prototyping

Midterm Evaluation

Week 10

Week 11 Mockup and High Fidelity Prototype

Week 12 Figma Workshop: High Fidelity Interactive Prototype

Week 13 Group Project Final Presentation

Week 14 Final Project Proposal

Supporting Materials


Readings and Videos

Style Guide, Brand Book & Design System


Tools Recommended for Collaboration and Project Development

Binna’s Class Workshop Documentation

📸 Dropbox link to Class Photos

Group project:

The session pictures serve two purposes: they enhance students' portfolios by showcasing their work, and provide tangible credentials of their projects. This is especially valuable in the UX/UI design industry, where well-documented training and experience are key.

Final Project

Final Project Brief

Group Project

Groups & Documentation

Project Development Log: Team documentation will be graded

Group 1 VERA, KIM and Blake

Group 2 Rui, Soy and Leung

Group 3 Byran

Group 4 LinkedIn Hi.